Portfolio | Design | Trillium Brands | UNUM
Back Up Plan Internal
Comms Presentation.
We were asked by UNUM to design and implement an internal presentation. Fundamentally the presentation was about a shift in tone of voice and becoming a public-facing company, rather than a B2B business. We planned the morning to have a breakfast theme, staff were sent out a flyer and asked to be in the office at a certain time for breakfast, prior to beingtaken down to the auditorium for the presentation. We created various screen saver graphics depicting breakfast elements, which would be on every computer in the building so that the staff would wonder what was going on. Also, there were desktop items which all linked to the theme. We built up an amount of interest and wonder about what was about to happen.The route down to the auditorium was filled with posters and banners etc.
Not only did we produce designs and artworks for around the office to build the theme, we created the powerpoint presentation itself and indeed we developed with the team, story boarded and created the movie teaser that wowed the audience.
See comments in our testimonials section from Marco Forato @ UNUM.
If you require our design and branding services then please visit or sister company
Trillium Brands for more info or simply just ask us and we will be happy to help.
Back up plan
Design ideas
