Portfolio | Multi Discipline | Seven Brands | Bora
Bora Telecoms
Brand creation.
Seven Brands called us in as their preferred artworking resource to help them implement the branding work they had carried out with Bora Telecoms. We took the design work & firstly made sure the logo was created in all possible necessary options including CMYK, RGB & spot variants. Ensured that it was readable at small sizes by creating a small size version. We went on to implement our findings in a small interim document which spelt out usages & rules for the brand assets which were supplied to the client as a kit of parts.
Once the assets were completed we moved on to work on the guideline as mentioned & created various local application requirements. By local we mean we had to work with what was available in the area for instance shops were not necessarily high-end stores you would expect of a first-world nation you had to work around smaller often basic premises & often the materials used to create the branding on the store were paint or vinyl. This is common in third world countries & developing nations generally.
We also got involved with the design of some of these applications such as how could a T-shirt look or how could a small van look etc. All these elements also went into the interim guide.
If you are in need of a little extra help in achieving your creative goals,
need some advice or simply need to offload a project you have no
internal resource for then get in contact today.
Web look & feel
