Portfolio | Design | DigitalVilains
Digital Villains
Logo development.
2020 has been an odd year for the industry, what with IR35 issues & COVID stopping normal work & now the inevitable recession adding to our woes. It's easy to vegetate in front of the TV & get distressed by it all however I have tried to keep myself busy with the odd freebie for friends here & there, hell why not it's not interfering with my work & it's keeping my mind active right!. Not to mention they won't get it once work re-commences proper.
So Rick an online DJ mate of mine asked us to come up with a few ideas for two logos for him. One being Digital Villains a record label he has set up promoting house music etc. Plus a second which I will share later being a personal logo for his DJing escapades named Rick D'Caine.
I went about it in the usual manner but scaled down. I supplied 2 colour routes and 5 variations of the logo for both projects. Finally, after sign off a logo library was supplied which allowed for varying applications going forward.
If you are in need of a little extra help in achieving your creative goals,
need some advice or simply need to offload a project you have no
internal resource for then get in contact today.
Digital Villians
Record Label
final brand marque
